
Development Department Webinar Schedule for October 5-9

By United World Wrestling Press

Topic: Training Plans: Theoretical Framework - English
Date: Monday, 5 October
Time: 17:30 - Zurich (UTC+2) – 11:30 - New York (Check your local time)
Speaker: Zach Errett
Language: English
Level: National & Local Coaches
Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/97575449601

Sujet: Planification de l’entraînement: Cadre théorique - Français
Date: mardi 6 octobre
Heure: 16h00 - Zurich (UTC + 2) - 10h00 - New York (Vérifiez votre heure locale)
Conférencier: Vincent Aka
Langue: français
Niveau: entraîneurs nationaux et locaux
Lien de la réunion: https://zoom.us/j/98391569910

Тема: Планы тренировок: Теоретические основы
Дата: среда, 05 октября
Время: 16:00 - Цюрих (UTC + 2) - 10:00 - Нью-Йорк (Проверьте ваше местное время)
Докладчик: Владимир Шацких
Язык: Русский
Уровень: национальные и региональные тренера
Ссылка для встречи: https://zoom.us/j/99160091640

Título: Planificación del entrenamiento – Marco Teórico
Fecha: Jueves 8 de Octubre
Hora: 00:00 (Zurich) – 18:00 (Miami)
19:00 Buenos Aires y Rio de janeiro (GMT-3)
18:00 Miami, Caracas, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo y Santiago de Chile (GMT-4)
17:00 Guayaquil, Ciudad de Mexico, Lima, Bogotá (GMT-5)
16:00 Ciudad de Guatemala, Managua y Tegucigalpa. (GMT-6)
Orador: Pedro ROJAS
Idioma: Español
Audiencia: Entrenadores nacionales y de nivel intermedio, pero recomendado para todos los niveles.
Enlace de la reunión: https://zoom.us/j/96197230802

Coaching Webinars in Arabic

الموضوع: " رياضة الشبا ب

دور المدرب ف "
التاري خ: السبت 3 أكتوبر
الساعة: 00.19( بتوقيت زيورخ( – 00.13( بتوقيت نيويورك(
يقدمها: محمد إبراهيم عبد الفتاح
اللغة: العربي ة

 والدولي ي
 المحلي ي

الجمهور المستهدف: للمدرب ي
https://zoom.us/j/93957523431 :الدخول رابط

الموضوع: " األلعاب االستكشافية وكيفية تنفيذه ا "
التاري خ: السبت 10 أكتوبر
الساعة: 00.19( بتوقيت زيورخ( – 00.13( بتوقيت نيويورك(
يقدمها: محمد إبراهيم عبد الفتاح
اللغة: العربي ة

 والدولي ي
 المحلي ي

الجمهور المستهدف: للمدرب ي
https://zoom.us/j/95709723991 :الدخول ر


Yazdani: 'I was 60 percent fit in Budapest, want to win Olympic gold'

By Vinay Siwach

BUDAPEST, Hungary (June 8) -- Hassan YAZDANI (IRI) returned to the mat for the first time in eight months. After winning the Asian Games, Yazdani underwent shoulder surgery and returned to training only a month ago. The selection process for the Paris Olympics needed him to participate in the Ranking Series in Budapest to prove his fitness.

Yazdani wrestled like he was never away. Yazdani ended a long day with a 12-2 win over Trent HIDLAY (USA), his fourth win via technical superiority in as many bouts.

"I thank God that I was able to get on the mat in international competitions after seven months and 13 days," Yazdani said. "I started wrestling training a month ago and, it was good. With my relative preparation, I tried to get an acceptable result in this course of competition."

Yazdani said that he still needs to work on a few of his weaknesses which were exposed in the tournament. Yazdani gave up six points in his four matches and was stuck in a danger position a couple of times.

"I had a little preparation and it was around 60 percent," he said. "I hadn’t wrestled for a long time and when they announced my name for this tournament, I had about 25 days to train and it got better as time passed. When you’re not ready, you may face problems. My opponents used this opportunity and scored some points on me."

"I have some weaknesses that I hope I can fix before the Olympics so that I can wrestle better than these competitions and get the gold medal. I hope that until the Olympics, I can eliminate my weaknesses so I can win the best medal for my country and our good people."

For his return to the mat, Yazdani expressed his gratitude to several individuals but was grateful for the support from his family.

"I want to thank all those who have been by my side during this time," he said. "Dr. Rezaei, my physiotherapist and also Samereh Ghanbari as they didn’t leave me alone during this time. Dr. Aslani, my doctor and Javad Rahmani, my bodybuilding coach, and of course, my old coach Mehdi Yegane Jafari, who was by my side during these difficult days after the shoulder surgery. My family has its own place but these loved ones contribute to winning this medal and the Olympics medal. So far everything has been successful, I hope we can get the best result in the future.




BRONZE: Orozobek TOKTOMAMBETOV (KGZ) df. Bekzod ABDURAKHMONOV (UZB), via inj. def.
BRONZE: Ali Abbas REZAEI (IRI) df. Giorgi ELBAKIDZE (GEO), 5-3

GOLD: Hassan YAZDANI (IRI) df. Trent HIDLAY (USA), 12-2

