Wrestling Announces Cost Savings, Webinars to Promote Connection with Stakeholders

By United World Wrestling Press

CORSIER-SUR-VEVEY, Switzerland (May 8) – In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, United World Wrestling has reviewed its activities and has evaluated its finances, while also debuting a series of Webinars for direct communication with our national federations and stakeholders.

The global health and financial impact of COVID-19 cannot be overstated. From the postponement of the 2020 Olympic Games to the cancellation of domestic and international tournaments, the sports world has felt the pain of this virus/outbreak. Even as we assess the rest of the 2020 calendar there is uncertainty around the return to competition.

Because of the unknown, United World Wrestling has developed a strategy to safeguard the long-term health of the sport and the organization.

In terms of cost reduction, all staff based in Corsier-sur-Vevey have had their salary reduced by 50%, while external staff have received a reduction in monthly service fees and scope of work. These adjustments are made until further notice.

To ensure that we stay in touch with our partners, the UWW Development team has launched a webinar series to keep up with the concerns of our national federations, athletes and other key stakeholders. The aim is to initiate and sustain open conversation with these groups so we can regularly and effectively address their concerns.

United World Wrestling remains committed to supporting its athletes and wrestling family through these challenging times. We will continue to find new and innovative ways to connect and in doing so we will ensure that when we do gather again our community will be well prepared to deliver a top-level product to the world.