
Finland looking for head coaching candidates

By United World Wrestling Press

HELSINKI, Finland (September 23) --- The Finnish Wrestling Federation is looking for a head coach and national team coaches for results-responsible positions for the 2025–2028 Olympics. We require the coach to have competence and commitment to the level of requirements of international top sports/youth coaching activities aimed at the top.

Duties and responsibilities of the Head Coach

  • Acts as the head of coaching and leads coaching activities (all forms of wrestling)
  • Responsible for LA2028 federation-led coaching of elite athletes (plans, daily coaching, competitions, camps, follow-up)
  • Responsible for success according to the goals, works closely with HUY, coaching centers and other important stakeholders
  • Responsible for the implementation of the national team activities of all forms of wrestling according to the budget (monitoring)
  • Developer of top coaching and participates in coach training.

The national team coach works full-time in contract-led coaching positions (e.g. top-level coach, youth national team coach) and in daily coaching. In addition to his own job, the OTO national team coach works in the coaching positions of the federation management according to the contract. The tasks and responsibilities of the national team coaches in question become clearer when the whole of the coaching is clear.

Responsibilities, tasks and other working conditions related to the content of the work are agreed upon in negotiations between the parties. The tasks, their fulfillment and the duration of the fixed-term contract depend on the commitments of the Olympic Committee's elite sports unit and other sponsors of the salary. An entity other than Painiliitto can also act as an employer. The work includes travel and evening and weekend work, and no separate compensation is paid for it.

If you are interested in the above-mentioned positions, please send a free-form application and a concise summary of your skills, education and experience by email to info@painiliitto.net by Friday, October 4, 2024.

Also, tell us your salary expectations and which positions you are interested in ( wrestling form, age group, full-time job, or working alongside your own job, etc. ). You can apply for several different positions with one application, as long as you tell us which positions you are interested in. Employment begins on January 1, 2025 or later, when case-specific salary funding has been confirmed.

Inquiries: Pekka Paavola, Chairman of the Wrestling Association (044 977 5287)


Lithuania organizes course to develop FS/WW coaches

By United World Wrestling Press

SIAULIAI, Lithuania  (November 21) – The Lithuanian Wrestling Federation, in partnership with the Lithuania Olympic Committee, are working to grow and develop Freestyle and Women Wrestling in their country.  After a long success in Greco-Roman, the LTU Federation wanted to begin to develop the other Olympic styles. As a result, they organized a Level 2 coaching course from 7-11 November 2022 with the emphasis of developing and training their current FS/WW coaches. This course was conducted in conjunction with Olympic Solidarity and United World Wrestling. 

The Level 2 Coaching course was conducted by Mr. Yusup ABDUSALAMOV (POL) – UWW Coach Educator and former Olympic silver medalist. The course had 25 participants (17 men and 8 women). “Here I saw educated, interested and very diligent coaches," said Mr. Abdusalamov. "They managed very well with all the tasks that were set before them and found unconventional, non-standard and creative approaches to solving them.”

The coach participants focused on many topics surrounding the idea of developing training sessions for wrestlers. Some of the topics included coaching the basic skills or wrestling, introduction to performance analysis, theoretical framework to planning, practice plan essentials, strength and conditioning, and nutrition and weight management. During the course, the coaches participated in practical assessments to demonstrate their knowledge.

"I have to say that we are very satisfied with how the course went. We had different expectations from the upcoming training, but we were all pleasantly surprised by the level of positivity in the learning, the number of creative tasks, the fullness of the practical sessions, the amount of imagination and thinking that this process required from us." said Sergejus Kasimovas (Head Coach of LTU National Freestyle Team). "It was a very useful and interesting experience for all of us. I am very grateful to our Wrestling Federation for organizing this course, and to UWW and the Olympic Solidarity Foundation for supporting and funding this event. We look forward to similar events in the future.”

LTHParticipants go through on-the-mat training during the course in Lithuania. (Photo: United World Wrestling)

“The seminar went exactly according to plan. It was very informative and useful for every coach and athlete. Theoretical knowledge was precisely applied in practice. Every lecture we learned new things about coaching and training planning," said Giedre Darge (WW Coach). "Trainers share their personal experiences with each other’s. Students in the course were involved in the discussions, as a result they could express their opinions. The lecturer was very competent and perfectly able to share his knowledge. A lot of attention was made to team building, which is very important for achieving a best result. Every participant after seminar were satisfied that they learned new things.” 

“I have to say that the course went very well with a high level of feedback, enthusiasm on both sides, great effort and commitment on the part of the participants." said Mr. Abdusalamov. "The organization of the course was at a good level. I would like to thank the board and staff of the Lithuanian Wrestling Federation, represented by President Giedrius Dambrauskas, and Siauliai Sports Gymnasium for the support in organizing the course."