
Dominican Republic hosts Coaches Courses Level 1, 2, Introduction to Refereeing

By United World Wrestling Press

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (October 3) A series of UWW courses were held in the city of Santo Domingo from September 25 to 29; The courses were: Coaches Course Level 1 and Level 2 and Introduction to Refereeing. A total of 31 participants, between coaches and referees, took part in the course. The educators were all local, from different provinces of the Dominican Republic.

This course is part of the UWW's education program, and the purpose is to provide the coaches with tools to strengthen their professional work. The course consisted of several sessions between, theoretical and practical, structured in such a way that what was learned in the classroom was applied on the mat.

This course was made with the support of the Olympic Solidarity Dominican Olympic Committee and the Dominican Wrestling Federation.

The opening ceremony was held in the Dominican Olympic Center on September 25 and was attended by distinguished personalities such as the President of the National Olympic Committee and the Dominican Wrestling Federation, Antonio CORLETTO, Secretary of the Executive Committee of the NF, Onésimo RUFINO, Technical Director of NF, Rodolfo Castro Martinez and Olympic Solidarity of the NOC, Lussy Caraballo.

CourseParticipants discuss theoretical and practical topics that will ultimatly be uitalized on the mat. (Photo: United World Wrestling)

The course was officially inaugurated after listening to the notes of the Dominican National Anthem and the words of welcome by Antonio Corletto.

As we are used to, we had the facilitators Pedro ROJAS (PUR) for the coaches and Abraham GALVA (PUR) for the referees. 

"I want to thank on behalf of the two women who are present in this course, thanks to our administration, to Olympic Solidarity, and thanks to God, today we were able to learn. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts because today, we will no longer be like before. Thanks to our excellent facilitators. I am sure that our colleagues and I will not return to our provinces empty-handed," said Francia Mayelin Perez, woman referee.

The Dominican Wrestling Federation is working very hard in the development of the sport in its country. And from the UWW, we hope to continue working in this way with them and accompany them in their growth and institutional strengthening.


Dominican Republic hosts flawless More Than Medals 2024 camp

By United World Wrestling Press

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (August 3) — The Dominican Olympic Sports Center was the epicenter of a transformative experience for athletes and coaches. More Than Medals 2024 exceeded expectations, offering a comprehensive program that combined sports development with personal growth and community action.

For seven days, 13 countries and 32 wrestlers were immersed in an environment of learning and camaraderie. Top-notch facilities allowed for high-performance training, while workshops on nutrition, sports psychology, injury prevention, and leadership provided valuable tools for the athletes' future.

The week was marked by a series of specialized clinics led by experts in various areas:

  • Applied Psychology in Sports (Lic. Rusbel Salomón)
  • Nutrition Applied to Weight Control Sports (Dr. Francisco Soto)
  • Doping Prevention (Dra. Laura Anabel Pinedo)
  • Sports Injury Prevention (Lic. Abel Caballero)

These sessions enriched the participants' knowledge and promoted the importance of holistic health in sports.

Training sessions were led by each national coach, allowing everyone to experience different countries' training styles and learn new methods.

A fun activity day was organized with the support of the Dominican Wrestling Federation, including sightseeing in the traditional Santo Domingo neighborhood.

The commitment to the community was evident in the inspiring beach cleanup day. Athletes and coaches worked side by side to preserve the environment, demonstrating that sport can catalyze positive change.

The Dominican Wrestling Federation played a crucial role as the event's main organizer, demonstrating exceptional commitment and efficiency in ensuring the program’s success. Their collaboration, alongside the support of the Dominican Olympic Committee, was instrumental in creating a memorable and impactful experience for all participants.

More Than Medals 2024 also left a lasting impact on the Dominican sports community. Through exchanging knowledge and promoting values such as respect, inclusion, and solidarity, the program strengthened local sports and laid the foundation for a more promising future.

As a flagship initiative of United World Wrestling, More Than Medals continues to showcase the power of sport to unite people and generate positive change. We look forward to future editions of this inspiring program and the continued success of its mission.