
Development Department Webinar Schedule for October 5-9

By United World Wrestling Press

Topic: Training Plans: Theoretical Framework - English
Date: Monday, 5 October
Time: 17:30 - Zurich (UTC+2) – 11:30 - New York (Check your local time)
Speaker: Zach Errett
Language: English
Level: National & Local Coaches
Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/97575449601

Sujet: Planification de l’entraînement: Cadre théorique - Français
Date: mardi 6 octobre
Heure: 16h00 - Zurich (UTC + 2) - 10h00 - New York (Vérifiez votre heure locale)
Conférencier: Vincent Aka
Langue: français
Niveau: entraîneurs nationaux et locaux
Lien de la réunion: https://zoom.us/j/98391569910

Тема: Планы тренировок: Теоретические основы
Дата: среда, 05 октября
Время: 16:00 - Цюрих (UTC + 2) - 10:00 - Нью-Йорк (Проверьте ваше местное время)
Докладчик: Владимир Шацких
Язык: Русский
Уровень: национальные и региональные тренера
Ссылка для встречи: https://zoom.us/j/99160091640

Título: Planificación del entrenamiento – Marco Teórico
Fecha: Jueves 8 de Octubre
Hora: 00:00 (Zurich) – 18:00 (Miami)
19:00 Buenos Aires y Rio de janeiro (GMT-3)
18:00 Miami, Caracas, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo y Santiago de Chile (GMT-4)
17:00 Guayaquil, Ciudad de Mexico, Lima, Bogotá (GMT-5)
16:00 Ciudad de Guatemala, Managua y Tegucigalpa. (GMT-6)
Orador: Pedro ROJAS
Idioma: Español
Audiencia: Entrenadores nacionales y de nivel intermedio, pero recomendado para todos los niveles.
Enlace de la reunión: https://zoom.us/j/96197230802

Coaching Webinars in Arabic

الموضوع: " رياضة الشبا ب

دور المدرب ف "
التاري خ: السبت 3 أكتوبر
الساعة: 00.19( بتوقيت زيورخ( – 00.13( بتوقيت نيويورك(
يقدمها: محمد إبراهيم عبد الفتاح
اللغة: العربي ة

 والدولي ي
 المحلي ي

الجمهور المستهدف: للمدرب ي
https://zoom.us/j/93957523431 :الدخول رابط

الموضوع: " األلعاب االستكشافية وكيفية تنفيذه ا "
التاري خ: السبت 10 أكتوبر
الساعة: 00.19( بتوقيت زيورخ( – 00.13( بتوقيت نيويورك(
يقدمها: محمد إبراهيم عبد الفتاح
اللغة: العربي ة

 والدولي ي
 المحلي ي

الجمهور المستهدف: للمدرب ي
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Olympic champion Focken carries Olympic torch for Paris 2024

By Vinay Siwach

ALSACE, France (June 27) -- Tokyo Olympic champion Aline FOCKEN (GER) was part of the Olympic Torch Relay on Wednesday in Alsace, stage 41 of the relay for the 2024 Paris Games.

"It was magical," Focken said. "It was a short run for only a few minutes but I enjoyed it. I felt the Olympic spirit and pride to run with the torch. We were briefed a lot, about the significance of the torch and it's for peace and I felt it all the time. It was special."

The relay began from the European Parliament and then passed in front of the European Court of Human Rights and the Council of Europe. It also lit up the city’s covered bridges, the Grande île district, the Alsatian Museum and the Notre Dame gothic cathedral before finishing at Place Kléber, in the city’s heart, where the celebration venue was located.


The Olympic Torch Relay continued its voyage through eastern France with a distinctly European tone. In addition to putting the spotlight on the gems of Alsace, the Olympic Torch Relay also highlighted fraternity between people, such as Franco-German links, which were celebrated during an exceptional collective relay on the Three Countries Bridge in Huningue. Another collective relay took place in Strasbourg, dedicated, as each day, to a specific sport.

Focken carried the torch at the start of the three country bridge for 250 metres. The starting point of Focken's run was in Germany while her finish was in France. She then handed over the Olympic Torch to Frenchman Eric Kueny, representative of the host country in Huningue.

Aline FOCKEN (GER)Aline FOCKEN (GER) with the Olympic torch on Wednesday. (Photo: Lewis Joly)

Focken, who won the gold medal in 76kg weight class in Tokyo, became the first woman from Germany to win gold at the Olympics in wrestling. She said her feeling was similar to Olympic Games but she was nervous before the run.

"I was nervous," she said. "It's different and all the TV is around you. I was relaxed but nervous. It was a really special moment and I thought that this may be the last Olympic moment for you so just enjoy it. I took my family with me to the relay."