
Development Department Webinar Schedule for October 5-9

By United World Wrestling Press

Topic: Training Plans: Theoretical Framework - English
Date: Monday, 5 October
Time: 17:30 - Zurich (UTC+2) – 11:30 - New York (Check your local time)
Speaker: Zach Errett
Language: English
Level: National & Local Coaches
Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/97575449601

Sujet: Planification de l’entraînement: Cadre théorique - Français
Date: mardi 6 octobre
Heure: 16h00 - Zurich (UTC + 2) - 10h00 - New York (Vérifiez votre heure locale)
Conférencier: Vincent Aka
Langue: français
Niveau: entraîneurs nationaux et locaux
Lien de la réunion: https://zoom.us/j/98391569910

Тема: Планы тренировок: Теоретические основы
Дата: среда, 05 октября
Время: 16:00 - Цюрих (UTC + 2) - 10:00 - Нью-Йорк (Проверьте ваше местное время)
Докладчик: Владимир Шацких
Язык: Русский
Уровень: национальные и региональные тренера
Ссылка для встречи: https://zoom.us/j/99160091640

Título: Planificación del entrenamiento – Marco Teórico
Fecha: Jueves 8 de Octubre
Hora: 00:00 (Zurich) – 18:00 (Miami)
19:00 Buenos Aires y Rio de janeiro (GMT-3)
18:00 Miami, Caracas, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo y Santiago de Chile (GMT-4)
17:00 Guayaquil, Ciudad de Mexico, Lima, Bogotá (GMT-5)
16:00 Ciudad de Guatemala, Managua y Tegucigalpa. (GMT-6)
Orador: Pedro ROJAS
Idioma: Español
Audiencia: Entrenadores nacionales y de nivel intermedio, pero recomendado para todos los niveles.
Enlace de la reunión: https://zoom.us/j/96197230802

Coaching Webinars in Arabic

الموضوع: " رياضة الشبا ب

دور المدرب ف "
التاري خ: السبت 3 أكتوبر
الساعة: 00.19( بتوقيت زيورخ( – 00.13( بتوقيت نيويورك(
يقدمها: محمد إبراهيم عبد الفتاح
اللغة: العربي ة

 والدولي ي
 المحلي ي

الجمهور المستهدف: للمدرب ي
https://zoom.us/j/93957523431 :الدخول رابط

الموضوع: " األلعاب االستكشافية وكيفية تنفيذه ا "
التاري خ: السبت 10 أكتوبر
الساعة: 00.19( بتوقيت زيورخ( – 00.13( بتوقيت نيويورك(
يقدمها: محمد إبراهيم عبد الفتاح
اللغة: العربي ة

 والدولي ي
 المحلي ي

الجمهور المستهدف: للمدرب ي
https://zoom.us/j/95709723991 :الدخول ر


UWW More Than Medals Camp: Fun, wrestling, friendship in Serbia

By United World Wrestling Press

ZRENJANIN, Serbia (July 12) -- The UWW More Than Medals Europe U17 Training Camp was held in Zrenjanin, Serbia, from June 30 to July 6, with the support of the Serbian Wrestling Federation and the local wrestling club.

This event brought together 45 wrestlers and coaches from nine different countries. The week-long camp, led by Marty HAUCK (USA), was fully funded by United World Wrestling, reflecting its commitment to developing young talent.

The camp aimed to enhance the athletes' technical skills while providing exposure to different coaching styles and training partners. Wrestling was a common ground, helping participants overcome language barriers and fostering new friendships.

An important aspect of the camp was the Anti-Doping education session held on July 2, led by Gorica MILOVANOVIC from the Anti-Doping Agency of Serbia. This session emphasized the importance of fair play and clean sport and provided practical information on Anti-Doping procedures to the young athletes. Additionally, safeguarding sessions by Lei LIANG from UWW Development helped raise awareness and ensure the well-being and safety of the young athletes.

Beyond the intense wrestling training on mats, the camp also offered various recreational activities. The athletes enjoyed the swimming pool, engaging games, and a guided tour of Belgrade, Serbia's vibrant capital city. A brief tennis session added to the fun, providing a welcome break from their regular wrestling routines.

The camp received lots of positive feedback from the participants. Michele RAUHUT, the coach from Germany, expressed his gratitude, stating, “The German team would like to thank you very much for this exceptionally great training camp. Many thanks to Lei for the perfect organization and for your help. Thanks a lot to Marty for the great training. It was perfect.”