
Development Department Webinar Schedule for October 5-9

By United World Wrestling Press

Topic: Training Plans: Theoretical Framework - English
Date: Monday, 5 October
Time: 17:30 - Zurich (UTC+2) – 11:30 - New York (Check your local time)
Speaker: Zach Errett
Language: English
Level: National & Local Coaches
Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/97575449601

Sujet: Planification de l’entraînement: Cadre théorique - Français
Date: mardi 6 octobre
Heure: 16h00 - Zurich (UTC + 2) - 10h00 - New York (Vérifiez votre heure locale)
Conférencier: Vincent Aka
Langue: français
Niveau: entraîneurs nationaux et locaux
Lien de la réunion: https://zoom.us/j/98391569910

Тема: Планы тренировок: Теоретические основы
Дата: среда, 05 октября
Время: 16:00 - Цюрих (UTC + 2) - 10:00 - Нью-Йорк (Проверьте ваше местное время)
Докладчик: Владимир Шацких
Язык: Русский
Уровень: национальные и региональные тренера
Ссылка для встречи: https://zoom.us/j/99160091640

Título: Planificación del entrenamiento – Marco Teórico
Fecha: Jueves 8 de Octubre
Hora: 00:00 (Zurich) – 18:00 (Miami)
19:00 Buenos Aires y Rio de janeiro (GMT-3)
18:00 Miami, Caracas, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo y Santiago de Chile (GMT-4)
17:00 Guayaquil, Ciudad de Mexico, Lima, Bogotá (GMT-5)
16:00 Ciudad de Guatemala, Managua y Tegucigalpa. (GMT-6)
Orador: Pedro ROJAS
Idioma: Español
Audiencia: Entrenadores nacionales y de nivel intermedio, pero recomendado para todos los niveles.
Enlace de la reunión: https://zoom.us/j/96197230802

Coaching Webinars in Arabic

الموضوع: " رياضة الشبا ب

دور المدرب ف "
التاري خ: السبت 3 أكتوبر
الساعة: 00.19( بتوقيت زيورخ( – 00.13( بتوقيت نيويورك(
يقدمها: محمد إبراهيم عبد الفتاح
اللغة: العربي ة

 والدولي ي
 المحلي ي

الجمهور المستهدف: للمدرب ي
https://zoom.us/j/93957523431 :الدخول رابط

الموضوع: " األلعاب االستكشافية وكيفية تنفيذه ا "
التاري خ: السبت 10 أكتوبر
الساعة: 00.19( بتوقيت زيورخ( – 00.13( بتوقيت نيويورك(
يقدمها: محمد إبراهيم عبد الفتاح
اللغة: العربي ة

 والدولي ي
 المحلي ي

الجمهور المستهدف: للمدرب ي
https://zoom.us/j/95709723991 :الدخول ر


PHOTOS: Bird, Beats, Beach and Wrestling in Dakar

By Vinay Siwach

DAKAR, Senegal (June 22) -- Wrestling in Senegal? Nothing new to the country. It is the most popular sport, at least the traditional one. The stands are filled, music blaring, wrestlers are superstars in the country and people love it.

The second edition of the African Championships in Beach Wrestling traveled to Dakar, Senegal. More than 100 wrestlers entered to compete for the glory of becoming the champion of the continent.

But there is so much to wrestling in Dakar outside the two rings on the sand. The colors, music, cheering, dance and crowd are inseparable.

Obviously, there is wrestling with big throws, tackles, takedowns.

DakarPhoto: United World Wrestling / Helena Courtis

Wrestling remains the same. Mat, sand, mud, ice. Those throws are supreme. Here's an example.


DakarPhoto: United World Wrestling / Helena Courtis

Once you get thrown like that, you will be covered in sand. So you need to wash it. We got water right next to the rings.


DakarPhoto: United World Wrestling / Helena Courtis

Outside the sand rings, no one should be that serious in wrestling. No way in beach wrestling. Come on, Mouhamed BAYO (SEN).


DakarPhoto: United World Wrestling / Helena Courtis

We managed to convince him. Look at that flex. Thanks, Bayo!


DakarPhoto: United World Wrestling / Helena Courtis

The National Arena de Lutte in Dakar came prepared. The traditional Senegalese wrestling begins with the sounds of drums. There was no other way to begin during the opening ceremony at Beach Wrestling. Adding to the drums, some colors and music. Nothing better.


DakarPhoto: United World Wrestling / Helena Courtis

At all wrestling venues, a battle ensues. It's between the wrestlers and security. Are the wrestlers more well-built or the policemen? We will let you decide.


DakarPhoto: United World Wrestling / Helena Courtis

Back to wrestling. Do you think this is a point?


DakarPhoto: United World Wrestling / Helena Courtis

Thankfully, you are a referee only by looking at the screen in front of you. On the sand, our referees need to be as quick, both with their decisions and stepping away from the line of action.


DakarPhoto: United World Wrestling / Helena Curtis

If someone mentioned a story about how a wrestler in Dakar managed a bird to sit on his head with no trouble, no one would believe that. But here you are, a wrestler in Dakar with a bird sitting on his head. Our photographer captured it so we have to believe.


DakarPhoto: United World Wrestling / Helena Courtis

In the end, it is about being happy after watching wrestling. These kids surely enjoyed it.

Well, if you are looking for the results from the matches, here's the link for all the results. CLICK HERE