
Development Department Webinar Schedule for October 5-9

By United World Wrestling Press

Topic: Training Plans: Theoretical Framework - English
Date: Monday, 5 October
Time: 17:30 - Zurich (UTC+2) – 11:30 - New York (Check your local time)
Speaker: Zach Errett
Language: English
Level: National & Local Coaches
Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/97575449601

Sujet: Planification de l’entraînement: Cadre théorique - Français
Date: mardi 6 octobre
Heure: 16h00 - Zurich (UTC + 2) - 10h00 - New York (Vérifiez votre heure locale)
Conférencier: Vincent Aka
Langue: français
Niveau: entraîneurs nationaux et locaux
Lien de la réunion: https://zoom.us/j/98391569910

Тема: Планы тренировок: Теоретические основы
Дата: среда, 05 октября
Время: 16:00 - Цюрих (UTC + 2) - 10:00 - Нью-Йорк (Проверьте ваше местное время)
Докладчик: Владимир Шацких
Язык: Русский
Уровень: национальные и региональные тренера
Ссылка для встречи: https://zoom.us/j/99160091640

Título: Planificación del entrenamiento – Marco Teórico
Fecha: Jueves 8 de Octubre
Hora: 00:00 (Zurich) – 18:00 (Miami)
19:00 Buenos Aires y Rio de janeiro (GMT-3)
18:00 Miami, Caracas, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo y Santiago de Chile (GMT-4)
17:00 Guayaquil, Ciudad de Mexico, Lima, Bogotá (GMT-5)
16:00 Ciudad de Guatemala, Managua y Tegucigalpa. (GMT-6)
Orador: Pedro ROJAS
Idioma: Español
Audiencia: Entrenadores nacionales y de nivel intermedio, pero recomendado para todos los niveles.
Enlace de la reunión: https://zoom.us/j/96197230802

Coaching Webinars in Arabic

الموضوع: " رياضة الشبا ب

دور المدرب ف "
التاري خ: السبت 3 أكتوبر
الساعة: 00.19( بتوقيت زيورخ( – 00.13( بتوقيت نيويورك(
يقدمها: محمد إبراهيم عبد الفتاح
اللغة: العربي ة

 والدولي ي
 المحلي ي

الجمهور المستهدف: للمدرب ي
https://zoom.us/j/93957523431 :الدخول رابط

الموضوع: " األلعاب االستكشافية وكيفية تنفيذه ا "
التاري خ: السبت 10 أكتوبر
الساعة: 00.19( بتوقيت زيورخ( – 00.13( بتوقيت نيويورك(
يقدمها: محمد إبراهيم عبد الفتاح
اللغة: العربي ة

 والدولي ي
 المحلي ي

الجمهور المستهدف: للمدرب ي
https://zoom.us/j/95709723991 :الدخول ر


Croatia Takes the Next Step in Coaching education

By United World Wrestling Press

POREC, Croatia (28 May) – The Croatian Wrestling Federation organized a weeklong coaching course in Porec to help develop their newer coaches. This was their second course in as many years, and they built off the foundations established a year earlier in the Level 1 course. The Level 2 Course (Introduction to Practice Planning) was conducted on May 8-12 in the beautiful city of Porec and was done in conjunction with Olympic Solidarity and United World Wrestling.

The course was led by UWW Educator Mr. Martin HAUCK (USA). During the course, the 28 participants learned the basics of designing a practice plan and how the practice plan fits within a series of plans. The coaches also gained knowledge on performance analysis, nutrition and weight management, mental development of wrestlers and safeguarding. “I am extremely satisfied with the seminar and the lecturer; I gained new knowledge and experience,” said Dinko Kremic. “During the seminar, you could feel that the educator cared for us and wanted us to do well. Mr. Hauck’s knowledge and how he passed it on to use was amazing,” said Petar Gluhak.

The Croatian Wrestling Federation also hosted a competition during the course. This allowed the coaches to practice learned skills and get direct feedback to improve. They also had a small session on cornering (coaching during the break) during that session. “The course and competition went very well. Participants were very engaged and active in both the theoretical and practical portions of the course. Their questions and ideas were in line with the topic that was being discussed and worked on to further their understanding in that content area.” said Mr. Hauck. 

Comments from Coach Participants:
“The course was very encouraging and innovative. Cooperation with all trainers and exchange of experiences helps in quick learning.”  - Filip Verčević

“This course was very useful because it allowed me to learn a lot of new things about the training and provided me practice exercises for those subjects, and it was a very good experience.”  - Luka Sunara

“The course itself was awesome. We had to learn from Marty Hauck, the most interesting and enthusiastic coach and mentor to learn from!” Ivica Florjanić