FILA Provides Updated Rules Clarifications for Freestyle and Greco-Roman Wrestling
Monday, July 7, 2014 - 19:41 By Tim Foley

FILA has passed rule clarifications for freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, including the much-discussed ""near-takedown."" (Photo: Martin Gabor)
FILA Provides Updated Rules Clarifications for Freestyle and Greco-Roman Wrestling
FILA News Service
CORSIER-SUR-VEVEY, Switzerland (July 7) – FILA, the international governing body of wrestling, recently approved a series of minor modifications to the official wrestling rulebook. The adjustments, made at the FILA Bureau meeting last month in Dubrovnik, were made to help to clarify takedown calls, the management of the 30-second activity period and certain competition rules and administration.
Rule Clarifications
- No points shall be awarded for a “near takedown” leg attack. Wrestlers will only be awarded a two-point takedown after control is established.
- The clarification does not modify the existing one-point award for a ""correct hold"" that results from an attempted throw, but doesn’t secures control nor exposes the opponent's shoulders (generally in the Greco-Roman discipline).
- In freestyle wrestling the referee cannot signal the start or end of the 30-second activity period if a viable attack is underway. The referee should wait for a pause in the action before stopping the match.
Competition Rules and Administration
- Criteria for tie-breaker between teams in advancement tournament
- Rest period between matches has been reduced from 30 minutes to 20 minutes
- Jury of Appeal is given final say in all challenges
All modifications are immediately enforceable.
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