
United World Wrestling continues to spread wrestling in Ocean Indian

By United World Wrestling Press

MORONI, Comoros (July 27) --- From 17th to 23 July 2022, United World wrestling deliver a level 1 coaching course through the support of Olympic Solidarity.

This course was delivered by Vincent AKA, United World Wrestling development officer. During this week, they were theoretical and practical of wrestling. To raise the technical level in wrestling, the emphasis was placed every morning and afternoon on the acquisition of basic techniques in Olympic wrestling on the mat.

This was an opportunity to discuss the ratings of wrestling techniques. This allowed the referees to make clarification on the knowledge of the points of the regulations relating to the situation of standing wrestling and wrestling on the ground.

To use all the key points to grow wrestling, it appears with the beautiful beaches in Comoros that to achieve the development of wrestling the interest of all clubs and wrestlers to use beach wrestling to contribute to a more exciting activity and promote wrestling by using the Beach.

Also, to start the process, during the course, while using Olympic style, the development officer proposes to use Beach Wrestling, which will be an opportunity to progress on growing wrestling in the whole Comoros.  from then on, the whole day of Wednesday was devoted to beach wrestling. This day was amazing as people on the beach join the participants and enjoy the activities.

That makes the President of the National Federation Mr. Abdallah and Mr. PAPA, Technical Director of the NOC said that: ``We have funded the key to promote and grow wrestling in Comoros”. We are going to use it Sundays when everybody comes to the Beach.

United World Wrestling continues its momentum to develop wrestling in the Indian ocean. Given the situation of the young Comorian Federation of Associated Wrestling, the development department under the leadership of Mrs. Deqa Niamkey has judged to send to the Comoros, Vincent AKA, Development Officer to provide real support to this young federation. By using the Olympic Solidarity course, United world wrestling create all the possibilities to use all stones on which to base the future development of wrestling in the Comoros.

Smaller federations will get special attention as the United World Wrestling does its utmost to create the conditions for wrestlers and federations to flourish. United World Wrestling will continue to partner with officials and organizations dedicated to the development of wrestling

United World Wrestling is determined through the new strategy led by President Nenad Lalovic to support the smaller federations to improve the development of wrestling in all regions of the world. Through its actions in the field, the development department remains the armed wing of the implementation of this vision.

United World Wrestling remains committed to spreading and growing wrestling in the world.


Mexico hosts post U20 Pan-American C'ships camp

By United World Wrestling Press

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (July 22) -- A training camp for U20 wrestlers was held from July 11 to 21, 2022, at the Mexican Olympic Sports Center (CDOM) in Mexico City.

The camp was held after the U20 Pan-American Championships which took place in Oaxtepec and it mainly focused on countries with fewer resources in the continent. The camp provided better conditions in search of their sports development.

This camp was held with the financial support of Pan-Am Sports and the collaboration of the Mexican Olympic Committee, United World Wrestling Americas, and the Mexican National Federation.

The camp was intended to provide continuity to the athletes participating in the I Junior Pan-American Games Cali-Valle 2021 and thus continue with the multidisciplinary development of athletes and coaches.

In the Mexican Olympic Training Center (CDOM), the necessary facilities were provided to develop all the activities. The facilities available were -- the Olympic wrestling gymnasium, the fitness gymnasium, the athletics field and track, the Olympic swimming pool, the PASO auditorium, and the common areas of the CDOM, among others.

The participants stayed within the CDOM facilities, with the activities carried out in the same sports complex, and the accommodation conditions were optimal for the rest and recovery of the athletes.

MEXAttendees gather on the mat at the Mexican Olympic Sports Center (CDOM) in Mexico City during the post-U20-Pan-American Championships. (Photo: United World Wrestling)

Various types of training sessions were carried out, including technical, tactical, and physical conditioning, among others. The sessions were programmed by style in the consensus of all the participating countries.

Coach Reza AZIMI, who is the head of the High Performance and Development Center for America (CARDA), was responsible for the planning.

An Athlete365 Carrer+ Workshop, a program of the International Olympic Committee that aims to educate athletes regarding their vision of the future once they finish their careers as athletes, was also held.

The delivery of this program was a success as all participants showed great willingness and interest, allowing smooth and dynamic results, to the extent that most participants requested additional information to continue with their development.

Dr. Viridiana Silva, COM's medical responsible and certified expert in Anti-Doping, gave a workshop on prevention in the use of substances and processes in the selection and taking of samples, among other topics.

In general terms, the camp was a great success since the fundamental objectives were achieved.

The coexistence between the different teams was harmonious and dynamic. In the words of the coaches and some athletes, the technical level was optimal and allowed an objective evaluation of the possibility of results for the new Olympic cycle.