Super 8 Campaign to Promote Women in Wrestling
Tuesday, December 16, 2014 - 14:54 By United World Wrestling Press

Corsier-sur-Vevey, SWITZERLAND (December 16) – Citing growing participation among women in the sport of wrestling and a renewed institutional focus on gender equity, United World Wrestling has launched a campaign to focus on the development of women in wrestling worldwide.
The “Super 8” campaign, in part named for the number of women ambassadors leading the worldwide initiative, will launch January 14 with a special presentation at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne and conclude on International Women’s Day Sunday, March 8 at the Women’s World Cup in St. Petersburg.
The exhibition at the Olympic Museum will include panel discussions with the ambassadors, sports demonstrations, and interactive features to showcase the development of women’s wrestling.
“We plan to be a leader in developing wrestling opportunities for women around the world,” said United World Wrestling president Nenad Lalovic. “Our sport will be active and successful in supporting women of all ages who want to participate in wrestling. We are making this one of our organization’s top commitments moving forward.”
United World Wrestling looks to achieve several goals during the two-month campaign, including having national federations sign the Sydney Scorecard – a mechanism by which federations can gauge their level of gender equity in their organizations. They’ll also be encouraged to sign the Brighton Plus Helsinki Declaration, a policy document developed by the International Working Group on Women in Sport that is a commitment to making positive changes in gender equity.
Ambassadors are being asked to host tournaments, make public appearances and organize training camps in their home country in the hope of increasing the awareness of women in wrestling. The ambassadors will also be at the front of an upcoming social media campaign aimed at increasing the number of women being introduced to the sport.
“Gender equity and creating opportunities for women athletes are core principals of the Olympic Movement and were reinforced with Agenda 2020,” said Lalovic. “We strive to be a leader within the Olympic community and are motivated by the new approach and direction of the IOC.”
Super 8 Ambassadors
Edith DOCSA (ITA) – United World Wrestling referee
Fanny ECHEVERRY (COL) – President of the Colombian Wrestling Federation
Carol HUYNH (CAN) – 2008 Olympic champion, United World Wrestling Bureau Member
Helen MAROULIS (USA) – 2012 world silver medalist
Sofia MATTSON (SWE) – 2012 world champion, Olympic bronze medalist
Isabella SAMBOU (SEN) – 2012 Olympian
Natalia VORBEYVA (RUS) – 2012 Olympic champion
Saori YOSHIDA (JPN) – Three-time Olympic champion, 12-time world champion
United World Wrestling s’est défini plusieurs buts à atteindre pendant cette campagne de deux mois, notamment faire signer la Syndey Scorecard aux fédérations nationales – un dispositif par lequel les fédérations peuvent estimer le niveau d’équité des genres au sein de leur organisation. La Fédération Internationale aimerait également encourager les fédérations à signer la Brighton Plus Helsinki Declaration, un document politique développé par le International Working Group on Women in Sport qui engagent ceux qui le signent à développer l’équité des genres.
Les ambassadrices doivent organiser des tournois, faire des apparitions publiques et organiser des camps d’entrainement dans leurs pays d’origines dans le but de sensibiliser le public à la présence des athlètes féminines en lutte. Les ambassadeurs seront également à la tête d’une campagne lancée sur les médias sociaux et qui a pour but de faire augmenter la participation féminine dans ce sport.
« Promouvoir l’équité des genres ainsi que de créer de nouveaux challenges et opportunités pour les athlètes féminines sont les deux priorités du Mouvement Olympique. Cela a été mis en avant dans l’Agenda 2020 » commente Lalovic. « Nous voulons être les pionniers de la communité olympique et sommes très intéressées et motivés par la nouvelle approche du CIO. »
Ambassadrices Super 8
Edith DOCSA (ITA) – Arbitre à United World Wrestling
Fanny ECHEVERRY (COL) – Présidente de la Fédération de Lutte de Colombie
Carol HUYNH (CAN) – Championne olympique en 2008, membre du Bureau de United World Wrestling
Helen MAROULIS (USA) – Médaillée d’argent au niveau mondial en 2012
Sofia MATTSON (SWE) – Championne du monde en 2012, médaillée de bronze olympique
Isabella SAMBOU (SEN) – Championne olympique en 2012
Natalia VORBEYVA (RUS) – Championne olympique en 2012
Saori YOSHIDA (JPN) – Triple championne olympique, 12 fois championne du monde
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