Super 8 Ambassador: Natalia Vorobieva
Friday, February 27, 2015 - 18:12 By United World Wrestling Press

How and when did you get started in wrestling?
When I was ten, me and my girlfriends were coming back from school and we decided to stop by sport venue to watch the boys training. The coach offered us to sign in right away, and we did. After one month I was the only one left among my girlfriends, and still I do training and love my hobby!
How do people react when you tell them you are a wrestler?
Interesting question. It really depends on what I am wearing at that moment. For instance when I am in a sport suit, first they get surprised and then starts to ask questions like “how did you get in this sport”, “why wrestling and not dancing or gymnastics”. And if I am wearing the cocktail dress, with hair-style and make-up, they say that they would never think that I am a wrestler.
What’s your best memory of wrestling?
I guess the Olympic Games. The atmosphere was so tense everywhere that you almost can’t express it with words. And then to win my first Olympic gold medal, I thought that I’'d lost my childhood dream forever, but after a while I understood that you can always find a new dream.. Now I dream for the second Olympic gold medal!
Who has been the biggest inspiration during your life in wrestling?
My mom ... of course my mom! I know how emotionally she is involved in everything I do, and how hard it might have ben to give her daughter to this sport. My coaches always support and inspire me, but nothing compares with mother’s love and faith.
What’s your favorite thing about wrestling?
I think it is the opportunity to travel and the opportunity to meet new and interesting people. I think I also realized mnyself because I'm doing my favorite job.
What does being part of the Olympic family mean for women’s wrestling?
It means a lot. Nowadays women become more independent, they can achieve a lot, not only in sport but in business and in life generally. And when you know that you can reach the Olympic, then your expectations and desires are twice large.

What advice would you give to girls who want to start wrestling today?
The most important is to love what you do! Of course be patient, the ability to overcome all the obstacles and stand for your goal despite everything.
What are your hopes for the future of women’s wrestling?
It is not the hope, but I think that women’s wrestling is holding its positions on Olympic and World level. Women show persistent and intense wrestling as men do. The females prove that they can be fast, strong and skillful on the mat. And if it is spectator sport then it has all the chances for future development.
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