Russia Dominates at World Grappling Championships in Baku
Friday, October 27, 2017 - 05:46 By United World Wrestling Press

BAKU, Azerbaijan - Russia dominated at the World Grappling Championships held in Baku, Azerbaijan, Oct. 18-21.
A record number of athletes from 28 countries competed in the event.
Russia claimed eight out of the 13 gold medals in the senior division for Grappling. France finished second, while Poland came in third. Champions included Veronika KORENIUGINA (+71kg), Magomedbek TEMEEV (62kg), Gairbek IBRAGIMO (66kg) Rizvan RIZVANOV (71kg), Eldar UZAIRUEV (77kg), Magomed ABULKADIROV (84kg), Abdulla ISAEV (100kg) and Ruslan ABDULAEV (+100kg).
The other gold medals in the senior Grappling competition were won by Laetitia BOES (FRA) at 53kg, Kataryna SHAKALOVA (UKR) at 58kg, Tetyana HRYNKO (UKR) at 64kg, Karolina ZAWODNIK (POL) at 71kg and Valiollah FAHIMISEIFKOTI (IRI) at 92kg.
Russia also finished on top in the Grappling competition for novice, schoolboy, cadets, junior and veterans divisions. Azerbaijan came in second, while Ukraine was third.
Russia also shined in the Grappling Gi competition, capturing six gold medals on the final day and winning the team competition. Ukraine finished second, while Poland was third.

Russia's gold medalists in Grappling Gi were Polina KRUPSKAIA (53kg), Zainutdin ZAINUKOV (66kg), Magomedrasul MAGOMEDOV (71kg), Eldar ADILOV (84kg), Roman GAVRIKOV (92kg) and Ruslan ABDULAEV (+100kg).

The remaining seven gold medals went to Kateryna SHAKALOVA (UKR) at 58kg, Breanna STIKKELMAN (USA) at 64kg, Claire France THEVENON (FRA) at 71kg, Halyana KOVALSKA (UKR) at +71kg, Dmytro BARANO (UKR) at 62kg, Youseff KADDUR (ESP) at 77kg, and Surma MACIEJ (POL) at 100kg.
The event kicked off with an opening ceremony organized by Azerbaijan Pankration, Grappling and MMA Federation president Azad ASGAROV. During the ceremony the president of the World Grappling Committee, Rizvan BOCHKAEV, thanked UWW president Nenad LALOVIC, as well as all UWW bureau, for the support given to the sport of grappling during those years.
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