Dedicated ASOIF Forum on Sport Development and Education Adopts Action Plan

By United World Wrestling Press

Experts from 23 International Federations (IFs) gathered at the fifth edition of ASOIF’s Forum on Sport Development and Education and agreed on a detailed action plan to be applied across the different sports. The event was held from 17 to 18 May 2017 at the brand-new World Archery Excellence Centre in Lausanne, an important sport development project in itself.

The joint approach will support the IFs in the implementation of their projects, ensure a certain consistency across the sports and thereby maximize the impact of development and education activities overall.

The group agreed on the following set of actions, to be implemented over the following 12 months:

•    coordinate a second cross-sport coach educators’ course;
•    develop a hybrid IF Online Coach Education System;
•    conduct a seminar / programme on administration for IF managers;
•    look further into Sport for All programmes focusing on sport development;
•    create networking opportunities for IFs to exchange share best practises within the Maison du Sport International (MSI);
•    develop a module to help new National Federations grow into their sport;
•    focus on safeguarding of athletes – in particular on sexual harassment;
•    create a matrix of IF training centres across the world; and
•    coordinate a third Women in Sport Leadership Forum in conjunction with the IOC.
The Forum provided for productive exchanges about the important role of IFs in developing their sports at all levels; recent success stories such as projects in schools, with refugees and in developing countries; education for coaches; and opportunities offered by the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) and Olympic Solidarity programmes. The latter part was presented by experts from the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The participating IFs agreed to support the YOG’s mission to develop young elite athletes through the strong focus on education and culture during the event. They also endorsed the priorities of Olympic Solidarity in the period from 2017 to 2020, notably the stronger support of National Olympic Committees (NOCs) with greater needs and the protection of clean athletes.

About the ASOIF Sports Development and Education Group (ASDEG)

The ASDEG was created in 2012 and is responsible for giving expert advice in the area of Sports Development and Education. It also oversees ASOIF’s collaboration with the International Council for Coach Education (ICCE). Chaired by Mr. Mark Harrington, Head of Technical Services at World Rugby, the group meets once or twice a year and organizes an annual forum for all ASOIF member IFs to coordinate the approach in sports development and education.

The next ASDEG Forum is foreseen for May 2018.

Story courtesy of ASOIF.